Monday, May 19, 2008

Liebermann, Google, Youtube, and propoganda

Today Senator Joe Lieberman called for Google to removed videos produced by so called "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" from Youtube, claiming that these organizations use such videos to "disseminate their propaganda, enlist followers, and provide weapons training – activities that are all essential to terrorist activity."

Mr. Lieberman does not call on Google to remove videos used by the U.S. armed forces to disseminate their propoganda and enlist followers.

Number of civilian deaths in the United States traceable to invasions of sovereign nations by foreign terrorist organizations over the last five years: arguably less than 10,000.

Number of civilian deaths outside the United States traceable to invasions of sovereign nations by the U.S. armed forces: arguably over a million.

The latter divided by the former: 10,000 (as in a factor of 10,000).

Google's motto: "Do no evil". Maybe Google should remove U.S. armed forces recruiting videos from youtube, as a community service.

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