blah blah blah blah blah
Today I am utterly cynical about the whole presidential election, Republicans, Democrats, national conventions, Barack Obama, John McCain, country first, change, hope, dreams, (see post title) ....
Disgusted. Completely and utterly disgusted and cynical. It's all at best half truths, and half truths are about the most disgusting, vomitrocious, horrifying nasty miasmatic thing in the fucking universe. Infinitely worse than outright lies. And I'm not talking about aleph nought. I'm talking about aleph one. (hope that's sufficiently esoteric)
Today 30,000 children will die from the ongoing lack of clean potable water and 2 bowls of rice per day.
Meanwhile, I am ... stones overweight, and today, what with a combination of the electricity I'm currently using (refrigerator, washer, dryer, microwave, laptop, lights, dsl) and the petrol I used (that's gasoline for the Americans in the crowd) (drove 40+ miles round trip to the airport) and the food I consumed (probably ... 3,000 calories), I probably consumed enough to feed multiple families in the third world. And produced enough green house gas to hasten the complete desruction of the planet in my own children's lifetimes.
I'm not buying any of it. I don't see a way to ... stay here in the U.S. *and* turn off the overconsumption. It just doesn't seem possible. And don't even get me started on the children our armed forces, along with the munitions we've produced, have killed today, or yesterday, or the day before.
The worst bit of it is, I don't see any reasonable or legitimate way to get *out* of the west altogether. And I'm not even convinced doing so would ultimately help things. Feel a bit like a rat trapped on the wheel, just running along mindlessly, with no way off. There it is.
I hope bloody John McCain wins the election, takes us into more bloody wars, finishes destroying the vaunted "economy", and helps hasten the end of American Empire much faster than could have possibly been anticipated. How's that for "hope"?